
Thursday, December 5, 2019

The guinea-pig bridge

Making the bridge 

We were making a guinea pig Bridge For the guinea pigs to cross from one side to the classroom to the other. We started out with tape and cardboard together for the platform and my job was cutting the tape. Then we started to put the sides on the Platform we stuck about 12 pieces together with tape. our Bridge started to look better we Started on the legs We rolled up cardboard, so that the legs would be strong.  we taped the legs on. The legs were hard to tape On, and the bridge fell over so we had to tape more legs on. then we started with the decorating we Put fluff on and Shells, string and ribbon. I think our bridge will be good because of the strong rolled up the legs. After we finished we lind up all the bridges together. they went all the way across the classroom.
The Guinea-pig crossing
When we lined up all the bridges, The teacher's put peanut and Oreo On the bridge. Bay brought some leaves. The guinea pigs followed across the bridge. When they came to our Bridge they walk straight across. I think it just felt Safe and stable for the guinea-pigs. The next day the teachers told us to clean up the bridges Or take it home. Amron from  group took the bridge home. Then we started doing stories about the bridge, and how the guinea pigs went to cross it.