
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Bread & Butter ( ' _ ' )

 Bread & Butter

In Inquiry we were making bread and butter we started with making the butter all we had turns shaking a jar with cream in it and it would harden and make butter and with the bread the recipe is cups self-raising flour

Pinch of salt

80g butter and

3/4 cups of water

and you put in oven to bake (I don't know how long for) But when it was done baking we were in the middle of doing rotations and Beth was bringing them in and they were REALLY GOOD

Bridle Path walk

Bridle Path Walk

On Thursday our class went up the bridle path to experience what it was like for the Europeans to walk over the bridle path and all the way too Christchurch. But we only had to walk over and get picked up by the busses. My Mum was coming as a parent helper and I mostly walked with her while also walking in the front. We had to stop a few times to wait for everyone else. You could see good views of littleton and the hills around us! When we got off the bussed we had to walk to the start of the path. It was a bit steep at the start to get to the path. When we got up it was really windy and we all had lunch. On the way down it was really easy and some people slipped over witch wasn't very nice I'm lucky I didn't slip but when we got to the bottom, the busses were waiting so we all got on and went bock to school to spend the rest of the day.

I had a lot of fun walking over the bridle path and I'm glad I went.



MakeyMakey is an invention kit that you can use as a keyboard You can clip in alligator clips to Up, Right, Left, Down, Click and Space bar.

We were in groups of two to make a game controller me and my buddy Uanita made a spider web. It had some squiggly rainbow colours
How have you been using MakeyMakey? Clipping alligator clips into play-doh so that it can conduct with the MakeyMakey. Me and Uanita started out drawing the web and then coloured it in with rainbow colours. We had little pieces of play-doh and stuck them onto left, right, up and down then clipped on alligator clips on. To test it out we used pacman and 
sometimes it worked and sometimes we had to press it a few times for it to Work.

And this is what we made...

Monday, July 26, 2021

End of Term Reflection 2021

2021 term 3 End of term Reflection❤️

This is 2021 and in term 3 I had lots of fun things to do.

My favourite thing of this term was going to ferrymead.

The most interesting thing was Epro8.

The thing I had fun on was going over the bridle path. 

I learnt that in the olden days there were some rules like girls go before boys, children must be seen but not heard and no hands in pockets.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Argument about the Europeans coming to New Zealand

 Argument about the Europeans coming to New Zealand 


The Europeans brought the flu and the Polynesians could catch it also the Europeans brought wars over land.

The Europeans brought plants that in New Zealand are weeds and brought animals That are pests in New Zealand. 

They brought farm animals that made them chop down forests and plants to make farmland. They killed 90% of the wetlands. The Polynesians were only allowed to talk in English 


The Europeans brought food that the Polynesians could eat. 

The Europeans taught the Polynesians to read and write. 

The Europeans brought equipment that the Polynesians could use to build their houses. 

The Europeans brought fruit and vegetable plants with beautiful flowers. They brought farm animals for more food ( I am vegetarian so I don’t eat meat! ) and the animals would make eggs and milk.