
Friday, September 17, 2021

Marshmallow Earth


For inquiry on Friday we made the Earth out of a Marshmallow and an MnM. We were told to put the MnM in the Marshmallow and when we were done we were told to go to Urmi to get it coverd in chocolate and than whate for it to dry.

Ways its simuler to the earth: 
  1. The chocolate is hard like the Earths crust
  2. it has 4 layers like the Earth the chocolate the Marshmallow and the MnM wich is the chocolate in the middle and the coulor on the outside.

Monday, September 13, 2021

The Earts Layers

For Inquiry on Monday with Urmi we were learning about the Earths Layers and we had to make a diagrame about it.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Funny Memes

I was flying on my way home and everything want black "am I dead?" I stop flying and SPLAT! "no i'm alive"

 When my brother said I wasn't good enough 

When I practice the acrobats all my life I still havn't gotten into the circus

What did you say to me !!!!!

" My Worst Enamy"                                    "Snowball fight!"

When 3 Penguins try to dance

Waiting for dad to come home with dinner

To feed 3 kids and 2 adults 

When you see somone clibing a tree and you want to try

While trying not to cry at school!!

"I am hungry FEED ME"

When MR nosy comes to town

Trying out a new way to go to school an you get stuck.

When I find out it's lockdown